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Martinez de Hoz is the story of the law suit to censorship our last documentary, Awka Liwen, because “it damages the honor of the Martinez de Hoz family”. This family was (and are) the greatest landowners of the country and they had been participated in all dictatorships in Argentina (in the last one the great father of the plaintiffs was the Minister of Economics). Also, the documentary tells the economical history of Argentina through the counterpoint between the history that Martinez de Hoz told in the juridical process to censure Awka Liwen- to substantiate an alleged family honor damaged by Awka Liwen-, and the true historical facts.
It's necessary to explain the great successful of Awka Liwen in Argentina to know why is necessary this new documentary: the key of this new film is the sue to censorship Awka Liwen and the dead threats and attacks against me.
In September of 2010 we released the documentary Awka Liwen in a classic Theater in the downtown of Buenos Aires. The premiere was attended by more than 2,000 people, which made to the administrators screen the documentary in tree theaters in the cinema complex simultaneously. Awka Liwen very quickly became in a cult film across the country. No wonder. The film tells the story of the struggle for wealth distribution in Argentina since the theft of the lands of the Indians and gauchos in the nineteenth century to the present. For this, it was created a culture of racism that still remains in the country. In 2008 the great landowners (descendants of the elite that theft the lands and killed the Indigenous Peoples in 19th century) unsuccessfully attempted a coup to avoid the payment of taxes on food exportation. The narrator of the play in Awka Liwen is a great intellectual and human rights activist, deeply respected in Argentina, Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Bayer (main scripter in La Patagonia Rebelde, Silver Bear Berlinale 1974).
A few months after the premiere of Awka Liwen, the grandchildren of the civil boss and Finance Ministry of the last dictatorship -José Alfredo Martínez de Hoz- initiated a sue to censorship Awka Liwen -for alleged moral damages to an ancestor who died in 1871 and was the first President of the Sociedad Rural Argentina (Association of the greatest landowners) and also, was the major lobbyist for the military mission against the Indians for the appropriation of their land and livestock (of that way the family Martinez de Hoz obtained 2.5 million hectares-. In Awka Liwen we had referred to another member of the Martínez de Hoz’s family that still alive. But the plaintiffs alleged moral damages not for we told about the grandfather of them, because he was the Ministry of Finance and civil boss of the last dictatorship and died imprisoned for being the author of serious crimes against humanity in the 70's.
The sue to censorship Awka Liwen fall "by lot" in 4 judges of whom three, were appointed by the dictator Videla when José Alfredo Martínez de Hoz was the Ministry of Finance.
I've received death threats and I'm sued with Osvaldo Bayer and Felipe Pigna for made a documentary based on irrefutable historiographical evidence. The juridical persecution and threats continued throughout 2011 to the present.
Now we are introducing the documentary "Martinez de Hoz" to explain why this anachronistic and unjust persecution is possible in the XXI century in Argentina: it's the economy. This new documentary is now banned in Argentina by the president Mauricio Macri.
In Argentina, more than 30% of the judges were appointed during the last dictatorship. This judges impede democratic changes, as the effective enforcement of the laws voted into the Congress, through legal tricks. Still, citizens can not elect the judges, prosecutors, public defenders and sheriffs. The judiciary branch is the only branch of the government could not be democratized in the country.
Awka Liwen is censored in Argentina, this new documentary, Martínez de Hoz, is also banned. Mariano Aiello is threatened of dead since March of 2011.
The documentary explains why in 2015 still are judges in Argentina who processed authors and filmmakers to censor a documentary that explains, with irrefutable scientific evidence, the genocide against the indigenous peoples in the nineteenth century in that country. For this, we narrate the economic history of Argentina through the counterpoint between the history that the Martínez de Hoz's told in the process to censorship Awka Liwen, and the true historical facts. To do this, we discuss the construction of the National State by (and at the behest of) their owners: The elites of greatest landowners, especially since the first government of general Mitre in the mid nineteenth century. This superstructural construction, imbued with a strong anti-democratic ideology, is analyzed, deconstructed and demolished in the film, since the cultural construct is still functioning as a reassurance of the oligarchy for the exercise of power. The attempted coup (drove by the greatest landowners to avoid pay taxes on food exportation) in 2008 had proved it once again. The enthusiastic support of the middle classes to makeup coups in the region or - with tanks in the streets in the case of Honduras - sadly proved that without changes in cultural superstructure, in the own worldview of the inhabitants (filtered and modeled by the corporations of mass media), the democratic processes with structural economic changes that promote greater social equality, greater distribution of wealth and greater civil liberties are unsustainable in the long term.
Professor Osvaldo Bayer
Eurodeputy Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Prof. Dr. Joaquim Perels, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Preuss, Supreme Court Judge Eugenio Zaffaroni, Professor Eduardo Basualdo, Martín Sabbatella, Prof. Dr. Aldo Ferrer, Deputy Carlos Heller, Professor Alfredo Zaiat, Dr. Mariano Aiello, Dr. Luis Hipólito Alen, Vicente Muleiro, Dr César Sivo.
Piedras 1070, Buenos Aires, Argentina
+49 (0) 177 85 43 812 // +54 11 3865 9988